For all you terminal graphics connoisseurs out there (there must be dozens of us!), I released Chafa 1.2.0 this weekend. Thanks to embedded copies of some parallel image scaling code and the quite excellent libnsgif, it's faster and better in every way. What's more, there are exciting new dithering knobs to further mangle refine your beautiful pictures. You can see what this stuff looks like in the gallery.
Included is also a Python program by Mo Zhou that uses k-means clustering to produce optimal glyph sets from training data. Neat!
Thanks to all the packagers, unsung heroes of the F/OSS world. Shoutouts go to Michael Vetter (openSUSE) and Guy Fleury Iteriteka (Guix) who got in touch with package info and installation instructions.
The full release notes are on GitHub.
What's next
I've been asked about sixel support and some kind of interactive mode. I think both are in the cards… In the meantime, here's a butterfly¹.

¹ Original via… Twitter? Tumblr? Imgur? Gfycat? I honestly can't remember.
Neat! I've been using catimg, but chafa produces much more crispier results with my test images.
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